Theme #1: Network

The following section highlights Honoris’ exclusive partnerships.

Regional and global collaboration through institutions and partnerships has a positive impact on students, communities, the environment, and the economy.


Below is a list of partnerships with institutions across the Honoris network.

Honoris Institutions Partner Institutions Country
Mundiapolis ENCGC (Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion de Casablanca) Morocco
Université Mohammed V de Rabat Morocco
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn Rochd (CHU Ibn Rochd)Morocco
Université Hassan II de Casablanca Morocco
Université Nice Sophia AntipolisFrance
Université de Haute-Alsace France
IAE Nice (Instituts d'Administration des Entreprises NICE)France
IAE Grenoble (Instituts d'Administration des Entreprises Grenoble)France
Enseigenement Permanent Kinésithérapie (EPK)France
Le Cnam (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers)France
Regent Business School South Africa
Honoris Institutions Partner Institutions Country
EMSI Université de Lorraine France
L’université Bordeaux 1France
université Côte d'Azur France
l’INSA Rennes (Institut National Des Sciences Appliquées Rennes) France
Honoris Institutions Partner Institutions Country
EAC Université Lettre Sorbonne France
ENSAPLV (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris La Villette) France
énsa-v (Ecole Nationale d'Architecture de Versailles)France
Éav&t École d’architecture de la ville & des territoires France
L’École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Toulouse France
ENSAM (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Marseille)France
Faculté d‘Architecture La Cambre-HortaBelgium
ENA (Ecole Nationale d?Architecture de Rabat)Morocco
EHTP (Ecole Hassania Des Travaux Publics)Morocco
ETH Zürich (École polytechnique fédérale de Zürich)Switzerland
Université Lusófona Portugal
Sapienza Université de Rome Italy
École Polytechnique de Milan (Politecnico Milano)Italy
Nile University
Honoris Institutions Partner Institutions Country
Nile University North American University USA
Benedictine UniversityUSA
Virginia International UniversityUSA
IGlobal UniversityUSA
University of South FloridaUSA
Dakota Wesleyan UniversityUSA
University of the West of EnglandUK
Coventry UniversityUK
La Rochelle Business SchoolFrance
Vistula UniversityPoland
The Czech University of Life Sciences PragueThe Czech Republic
The University of Hradec Kr lovThe Czech Republic
International Burch UniversityBosnia-Herzegovina
Ala-Too International UniversityKirgizstan
Suleyman Demirel UniversityKazakhstan
Ishik UniversityIraq
International Black Sea UniversityGeorgia
Paragon International UniversityCambodia
National University of Equatorial GuineaEquatorial Guinea
University of MadiguruNigeria
African University of Sciences and TechnologyNigeria
Fountain UniversityNigeria
Sokoto State UniversityNigeria
South Africa
Honoris Institutions Partner Institutions Country
R&Y PENNINGHEN - L’école de la Direction Artistique et de l’Architecture Intérieure Paris, France
University of the Arts London London, UK
Honoris Institutions Partner Institutions Country
REGENT American University In CairoCairo
Association of African Business Schools (AABS)Africa
Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)South Africa
North-West University (NWU)South Africa
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM)Russia
Project Management South Africaÿ(PMSA)South Africa
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE)China
South African Council for Educators (SACE)South Africa
South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)South Africa
South AfricanÿBusiness SchoolsÿAssociation (SABSA)South Africa
United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)International
Honoris Institutions Partner Institutions Country
ESPRIT École nationale polytechnique d'Oran Algeria
UDF centro universitário Brazil
ISGE BF Burkina Faso
UPAC (Université Protestante d'Afrique Centrale) Burkina Faso
UPAC (Université Protestante d'Afrique Centrale) Cameroon
Cégep de Victoriaville Canada
Cégep de La Pocatière Canada
Université de Sherbrooke Canada
Tiangong University China
Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Republic
Université Française d'Egypte Egypt
University of Applied Sciences (VAMK) Finland
CESI France
Aix-Marseille Université France
Montpellier Business School France
EM Lyon Business School France
Université du Mans (Mastère actuariat) France
Université de Paris 13-Institut Sup Galilée France
TIC & Santé Montpellier France
3iL Ingénieurs France
Institut supérieur d'électronique de Paris (ISEP) France
Université Côte d'Azur France
Ecole Centrale de Lille France
EISTI France
Université de Limoges France
Mines de Douai France
Institut Mines-Télécom France
Télécom Ecole de Management France
Télécom Lille 1 France
Eurecom France
Institut du Risque et de l'Assurance du Mans France
UDF centro universitário France
ECAM de Strasbourg France
Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée France
IMT Mines Albi France
ISEN Brest France
TH Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences Germany
Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences  Germany
Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences Germany
BBW University of Applied Sciences  Germany
STEKOM University Indonesia
ESATIC Ivory Coast
Management and Science University (MSU) Malaysia
ESC Mali
Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique (ESP) Mauritania
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Rabat Morocco
Institut national des postes et télécommunications (INPT) Morocco
INSA Euro-Méditerranée Morocco
UDF centro universitário Brazil
Universidade de Vigo Spain
Université Virtuelle de Tunis (UVT) Tunisia
ISET Charguia Tunisia
Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine
Zayed University United Arab Emirates
University of Michigan-Dearborn USA
American Heritage College USA
Honoris Institutions Partner Institutions Country
UNIVERSITÉ CENTRALEESIGELEC- School of engineering RouenFrance
Ecole du Journalisme, NiceFrance
Université de Technologie de TroyesFrance
ICN Business School, Nancy-MetzFrance
Saint Petersburg Electrotecnichal University LETIRussie
Easy School of Languages, La ValetteMalte
University of MinnesotaEtats Unis d'Am‚rique
Dankook UniversityKor‚e du sud
Université de LorraineFrance
ESCP Europe France
Cours GalienFrance
Université de LorraineFrance
Institut de m‚diation Guillaume-Hofnung France
Sciences Po GrenobleFrance
L'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis France
Montpellier Business School France
Quanzhou Normal University Chine
NEOMA Business QchoolFrance
Université de ToulonFrance
Université MundiapolisMaroc
Ecole Marocaine des sciences de l'ingénieur de CasablancaMaroc
Regent Business School, DurbanAfrique du Sud
ICN Business School, Nancy-MetzFrance
Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FSNP), ParisFrance
ESCP Europe France
L'Université Nice Sophia Antipolis France
l'association HARD WORKERSFrance
UFR Mathématiques, Informatique, Mécanique et Automatique (composante de L’Université de Lorraine)France
Honoris Institutions Partner Institutions Country
UPSAT Association Générale des Insuffisants Moteurs Tunisia
British CouncilTunisia
Cabinet Dr. Khayreddine KarouiTunisia
Centre de Laser et d'Exploration OpthtalmologiqueTunisia
Centre de Maternité et de Néonatalogie de TunisTunisia
Centre GAMMA Tunisia
Centre Médico SportifTunisia
Centre Médico SportifTunisia
Centre National de Médecine et des Sciences du SportTunisia
Centres de Soins de base ( Sidi Mansour,Sakit Ezzit ,Bouacida,Chihia, Ben Hlima ,Thyna,Cit‚ Habib, Matar,Farhat Hached Ain Chikhrouhou Med Ali ) Tunisia
CHU Cheker Tunisia
Centre TabibTunisia
Centre de protection des personnes agéesTunisia
CHU BourguibaTunisia
CHU Farhat HachedTunisia
CHU ShloulTunisia
CHU Fattouma BourguibaTunisia
Clinique Internationale Hospitalière CarthagèneTunisia
Clinique Ibn ZohrTunisia
Clinique LA SOUKRATunisia
Clinique MegrineTunisia
Clinique Ophtalmologique de TunisTunisia
Clinique PASTEURTunisia
Croissant RougeTunisia
DAR BABA Maison de retraite et de convalescenceTunisia
Faculté de Médecine de SfaxTunisia
Groupement Nord de la Direction des Centres de Santé de BaseTunisia
Groupement du santé de base Tunisia
Goethe InstitutTunisia
Hôpital Abderrahmane MAMITunisia
Hôpital Bechir HAMZA d'EnfantsTunisia
Hôpital Charles NicolleTunisia
Hôpital ERRAZITunisia
Hôpital Habib THAMEURTunisia
Hôpital La RABTATunisia
Hôpital Mahmoud MATRITunisia
Hôpital Militaire Principal d'Instruction de TunisTunisia
Hôpital Mongi SLIM - La MarsaTunisia
Hopital R‚gional MahrasTunisia
Institut d'Ophtalmologie Hedi RAISTunisia
Institut National d'OrthopédieMohamed Taieb KASSABTunisia
Institut Salah AzaiezTunisia
Institut des sciences infirmieres SfaxTunisia
Institut des sciences et techniques de la santé de SfaxTunisia
Medical Simulation CenterTunisia

Honoris students benefit from over 190 exclusive partnerships with leading institutions across Africa, Europe, Asia, and the USA. An example of how Honoris students benefited from exclusive Honoris partnerships is through the agreement with The Council and Foundation for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings.

Honoris and Lindau Nobel Laureat Meetings signed a Memorandum of Understanding to increase participation and to promote research in Natural Sciences and Economics across Africa. The meetings, held in Germany, offer delegates exposure to more than 50 of the most brilliant minds on the planet, all Nobel Laureates, as well as hundreds of other outstanding young scientists from 89 countries.


Every year, the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings connect Nobel Laureates with the next generation of leading scientists: 600 undergraduates, PhD students, and post-doc researchers from all over the world. The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings are about exchanging inspiration and ideas, providing an important platform for youth and innovation, bringing together successful innovators, scientists and entrepreneurs... >>read more


Azza Jomli, a second year Petrochemical Engineering student from UNIVERSITÉ CENTRALE École Polytechnique in Tunisia, who was also selected to participate in the 2020 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, shares her excitement from this experience: “The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings give me enormous hope because they prove that science connects us beyond borders and language. As a female scientist, I am also excited to meet other inspiring women to connect and share ideas with. We will be working with young scientists and experienced Nobel Laureates from around the world, with the opportunity to take steps towards actionable research which will one day change the world. This is what motivates me.”
Azza Jomli

Aarifah Razak

Aarifah Razak, an economics researcher at REGENT Business School, South Africa, is passionate about using her knowledge to uplift Africa. As one of the 8 Honoris students selected to participate in the 2020 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, she shares her views on this prestigious program:
"The Lindau Nobel Program inspires innovation by providing a forum for scientists and economists to collaborate on key global issues. The program has confirmed my belief that being an economist means improving lives and welfare using all available tools. I would like to contribute new research to improve Africa’s socio-economic development, using ideas from my Sciathon team and the Lindau Online Science days."
Aarifah Razak

Dr Khalid El Bairi

Dr Khalid El Bairi, a Moroccan researcher sponsored by Mundiapolis and one of the 5 Honoris students selected to participate in the 2021 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings shares the benefit of his experience:
"I have been honored to speak with such inspiring Nobel laureates in physiology, medicine and chemistry. Being a young researcher with limited resources is challenging, but thanks to these debates, I am motivated and willing to explore further."
Dr Khalid El Bairi

Asmaâ Fenniri

In many ways, opportunities such as the above students experienced have been the result of digitalization across the landscapes of business and education. Technology connects people across the globe and enables collaborations that allow all involved parties – individuals or industries -to flourish. Digital transformation, thus, is the key to the growth that Honoris is looking to promote across its network.
Asmaâ Fenniri


The COVID-19 crisis has been a catalyst in speeding up digital transformation across the network and leveraging the move to remote work and learning, that is, driving a ‘digital mindset’. Honoris therefore set out to assess the potential for digitization by conducting a student survey across the network’s three core areas of operation, known as the ‘Moments of Truth’ (MOT):

  • MOT1 = Student Acquisition
  • MOT2 = Student Experience
  • MOT3 = Student Employability

The survey gathered over 10,000 responses from all 14 institutions in the Honoris network: 71% in Southern Africa and 29% in North and West Africa, made up of all demographics of learners, from distance to on-campus, undergraduates to post-graduate, and early to mature. The survey results are as follows:

MOT1: Student Acquisition

In MOT1: Student Acquisition, students showed a strong appetite for the digitization of the enrollment process such as virtual open days and online faculty interactions, and considered the institution’s website as the most important source of information (ranked above in-person visits and referrals).

In response to the survey findings, and to meet student needs, Honoris took immediate strategic action to build a competitive student acquisition engine.

Extent of recent digitalization and digitization
During 2021, digital new enrollment accounted for 61% of total new enrollment, with an evolution of +12%. Additional initiatives implemented in 2021, include:
  • A robust social media strategy reaching 490 million users, +69% more than last year
  • An enhanced customer experience through interactive services (Live chat/Bots)
  • Website's optimizations to enhance the customer experience reaching 3.3 million unique visitors, +52% more than last year
MOT2: Student Experience

The most interesting findings emerged from MOT2: Student Experience, where students were asked about their willingness to adopt online learning; digitization of academic interactions such as examinations and faculty interactions; digitization of admin services; and about the role of physical campuses and the perception of online learning in the new world of work.

In every market, alongside a high appetite and willingness to continue the adoption of online and digital modes of interaction and learning, students do still regard physical, in-person interactions as important. Of these, there is a clear call for 21st Century learning environments to support traditional learning, as students list co-working spaces, makerspaces and digital career centers as the most desired spaces in the role of physical campuses. Peer-to-peer interactions and physical workshops score higher than the desire for in-person lectures.

To meet these needs, Honoris places emphasis on academic innovation, combining the delivery of courses both online and in-person with state-of-the-art learning centers, which provides students with access to advanced learning technologies to improve their learning outcomes and student experience.

Honoris is seeing strong organic growth within its network. This is exciting as it promises a pipeline of new opportunities that aim to connect students, businesses, and professional bodies across the Honoris network in the near future. Furthermore, Honoris aims to provide education in an innovative way by digitalizing various aspects of its education system in order to prepare their graduates to step into their chosen careers readily, and equipped with all the 21st Century workplace skills that industry needs. This also gears Honoris to expand their geographical footprint, tapping into favourable demographics along the way.

This is Education for Impact in action.


Jose Peran, Honoris Chief Business Development Officer

“Our growth strategies aim to ultimately add value to our students, enabling them access to a much greater academic portfolio as we build on acquiring additional institutions, thereby expanding our academic offering. Most importantly is to maintain the high standard of quality education across the Honoris network, therefore our partnerships and acquisitions are carefully selected to maintain our standard of high quality which leads to our students’ success”.

Jose Peran