EAC Architecture Students Thrive

Located in Morocco, L’Ecole d’Architecture de Casablanca (EAC) has enshrined among its founding principles the respect of international standards of training and the anchoring of its teaching around issues related to architectural creation, landscape, and urban planning.

With a forward-thinking vision to encourage students to constantly question the future requirements that they will have to meet as architects, we are incredibly proud to see how our imaginative graduates continue to innovate and excel in the world of work. Here, two recent EAC graduates share their experiences and their impressive final projects

Sokhna Maimouna Ndiaye, EAC Architecture Alumni

Final Project Subject: New Collective Housing Model in Dakar

It is with great joy that I conclude my years of study in architecture. These years have been a real journey punctuated with enriching experiences and unforgettable memories. My End of Studies Project gave me the exceptional opportunity to propose solutions to a crucial architectural problem for my country, Senegal. This represents an invaluable reward for the six years of hard work I have put into my journey.

My time at EAC not only taught me the essential skills to draw, design and collaborate in a group, but above all it allowed me to mature as a person and as a future professional. I learned to think critically and to face challenges with determination, essential qualities to navigate my way in this complex world. Indeed, being a young woman in this demanding field requires inner strength and unwavering passion, and these years at the EAC have allowed me to strengthen these essential aspects of my personality.

The opportunities that have presented themselves to me, whether travel, inspiring seminars, meetings with architectural experts or valuable exchanges with colleagues, have opened my mind to many facets. of my domain. Beyond the technical and intellectual aspects of architecture, I also learned to appreciate the simple things in life. This experience transcended the intellectual to touch the emotional, allowing me to fully understand the profound impact that architecture can have on individuals and communities.

Zainab Boualam, EAC Architecture Alumni

Final Project Subject: Critique of rationalist theoretical thought – New urbanity in Derb Jdid

During my career at the EAC, I had the chance to familiarize myself with various approaches to architecture and in particular to understand how they are part of Casablanca’s urban planning. Thus, working on the critique of rationalist theoretical thought allowed me to question the image I had of modernism and to distinguish its merits and disadvantages.

This research work would not have been possible without the support and the precise and enriching educational program put in place by the teaching and administrative staff of the EAC.