Times Higher Education’s first pan-Africa Universities Forum launches in Pretoria, South Africa

29 April 2024 – In Pretoria, Times Higher Education held its first pan-Africa Universities Forum, bringing together a wide range of private and public leaders in the sector.

Honoris representatives had the opportunity to connect stakeholders from across the continent to discuss the most pertinent topics to higher education today from AI to employability, skills acquisition to employer synergy.

Dr. Grace Nkansa moderated the main employability session with speakers from Tshwane University of Technology, Nelson Mandela University, Gradlinc, and the University of Pretoria.

Meanwhile, Nile University’s Prof Dilli Dogo also contributed to a session dedicated to the public missions of institutions within their communities. Speaking alongside the University of Cape Town, the Albert Lithuli Leadership Institute, the University of Sydney, and Unesco, gave an excellent opportunity to put forward the socially embedded model Honoris has built toward its mission of Education for Impact.