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Formula for success

The Honoris Formula for Success journey began in February 2023 when we set out to co-create a blueprint of our ideal culture for the Group. Employees from all institutions provided thousands of opinions on what they believed to be the most important enabling cultural factors that we need to do more of and the most important disabling cultural factors that we need to do less of to take Honoris to the next level.
Those opinions were grouped into common themes and then voted on in a company-wide election to discover which of those cultural factors were most important to everyone. The winning votes enabled a written cultural equation to be codified. Creative ideas were then expressed to build a visual display of our Formula for Success to become a conscious, memorable and living cultural tool in the hearts and minds of all our people.

As with any blueprint, after a Design Phase there is a Building Phase. For us to truly live by our Formula for Success, we need to measure our actual culture against our ideal culture, seek ideas and innovations from within on how to transform the organisation and implement actions to close those gaps. By so doing, we will ensure that all our people truly have a voice, they will be heard and everyone will have a say in how Honoris will continue to grow from strength to strength.

Top line (Numerator) Enablers we need to do more of to optimise our success

  • Cross-institutional knowledge sharing
  • Co-operation between divisions
  • Sharing transformational ideas
  • Winning team spirit
  • World-class academic pedagogy
  • Ahead-of-the-game teaching methods
  • Maximising the learning potential of each student
  • Outstanding academic results
  • Practical learnings for today & tomorrow
  • Employer of choice
  • People who take Honoris to new heights
  • Quality expertise
  • The right fit
  • Transparency of data and info sharing
  • Trusting our people
  • Inclusive and involved
  • Embracing diverse opinions and points of view
  • Get out of people’s way
  • Cross-institutional knowledge sharing
  • Co-operation between divisions
  • Sharing transformational ideas
  • Winning team spirit
  • Thinking outside the box
  • Cutting-edge technologies
  • Challenge the status quo
  • Willingness to explore
  • Openness to change
  • Doing the right thing
  • Ethical behaviour
  • Trustworthiness
  • Relentless honesty
  • Transparency
  • Adaptable and flexible
  • A sense of urgency
  • Quick on your feet
  • Unafraid of taking risks
  • Entrepreneurial spirit
  • Coaching & mentoring
  • On-the-job learning for growth
  • Mutual commitment to invest in our employee’s betterment
  • Effective staff development programmes
  • Forward-looking training roadmaps
  • Create leaders who are in demand in industry
  • Enablement of student’s ability to succeed in an ever-changing environment
  • Matching practical skills to 21st Century demands
  • Building professional relationships between students & industry

Bottom line (Denominator) Disablers we need to do less of to optimise our success

  • Disrespectful and abusive behaviour
  • Lack of gratitude and humility
  • Thinking that we are better than the rest
  • Determined to win the argument
  • Failing to give credit where it is due
  • Unappreciative of value creation and commitment
  • Lack of appreciation & positive feedback
  • Undervaluing contribution, effort and expertise
  • Failing to say ‘Thank you’
  • Too much pressure
  • Lack of work-life balance
  • Overloading employees
  • Stressful working conditions
  • Overwhelmed
  • Failing to listen
  • Failure to feedback
  • Not sharing information
  • Closed communication channels
  • Not keeping employees or teams informed
  • All talk – no action
  • Lack of courage to make the tough calls
  • Failing to listen to and identify the root causes of problems
  • Tolerating poor performance and behaviour
  • Covering things up
  • Being biased
  • Inconsistencies in how people are dealt with
  • Not giving equal opportunities to everyone
  • Prejudice towards anyone who looks or thinks differently to me
  • Inequality
  • Absenteeism & arriving late
  • Emotionally disconnected
  • Lack of commitment and passion
  • Minimum effort in tasks
  • It’s not my problem
  • Bad attitudes
  • Destructive conflict oriented
  • Always complaining
  • Pessimism
  • Overly critical
  • Skills or cultural mismatch
  • Lacking skill or experience for the job
  • Talent in the wrong job
  • Individuals unable, unwilling or incapable of creating value in a job
  • Failing to play to people’s strengths
  • Individualistic behaviour
  • Undermining others
  • Driving self-serving personal agendas
  • Creating drama and conspiracies
  • Power plays & manipulative behaviour