Embracing AI To Advance Education

Université Centrale Tunisia has embraced AI throughout the curriculum. Offering various programs related to AI, including a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence. These programs are designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to work with AI technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, robotics, and computer vision.

Université Centrale Tunisia has also integrated the use of ChatGPT by introducing a customised AI chatbot called Najeh. This specialised version is integrated with the Learning Management System (LMS) and tailored to each school’s specific needs and specialties. Najeh offers targeted instruction and improved learning outcomes through customised functions and features. Unlike the free version of ChatGPT, Najeh is available even during high demand and provides faster responses to student inquiries.

Dana Chrigui

“Najeh is incredibly helpful for students, providing short and informative answers to any question you ask. It is user-friendly, and I have personally found it effortless to use. In the rare event that I encountered any difficulties, Najeh promptly offered assistance, promptly addressing my concerns and inquiries. I am highly satisfied with its responsiveness, and I can see myself integrating it into my daily routine. I would encourage all students to engage in a conversation with Najeh—an exceptionally responsive AI that answers inquiries flawlessly”.

Ghassen Lakhdher

“I have recently used Najeh multiple times and found it to be incredibly helpful. It efficiently addressed my concerns and problems, providing clear and prompt responses. I am satisfied with its performance, and can see myself using it every day. Najeh has emerged as an amazing and efficient way of getting information quickly. I wholeheartedly recommend it to other students, because it can effortlessly assist anyone in need”.

Mariem Ajili

“Using Najeh has proven to be an excellent way to save time. I highly value Najeh for its usefulness, and give it an 8 out of 10. One of its strengths is its responsiveness, quickly delivering and relevant answers to all questions. Interacting with Najeh has consistently been a gratifying experience”.

Khoulou Hammami

Under the guidance of Mr. Nidhal Rezg, student Khoulou Hammami has created a system for predicting driving abilities in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease as part of her end-of-study project. The system uses machine learning and a driving simulator in a 3D environment to assess a patient’s ability to drive safely. The goal is to strike a balance between preserving patients’ mobility rights and ensuring their safety by aiding neurologists in confirming diagnoses and evaluating driving skills in individuals with neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s.