Employability Report 2023

In our second Honoris Student Employability Report we continue to examine the perspectives of industry leaders that shape our response to provide future-ready graduates from across Africa.

From leveraging partnerships with employers, building state-of-the-art career centers, taking an intentional approach to supporting gender parity, and contributing to the continent’s vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Our report celebrates the success of our institutions across the continent to provide affordable, quality education with a high ROI for our students. We spotlight the many initiatives that are underway to develop employability readiness, improve their access to quality jobs and increase the economic empowerment of our students and their communities.

To date, we have transformed over 1 million lives using our extensive diversified network across 10 countries and 33 cities in Africa. Powered by an intentional and pan-African Employability Mandate, our investments and partnerships are transforming African higher education by turning challenges into new sources of value and sustainable competitive advantage across the continent.

Employability Rates

Overall Employability Rate
School Leavers
Working Adults

Career Centre KPIs

Powered by an intentional and pan-African Employability Mandate, our investments and partnerships are transforming African higher education. We are proud that this mandate now includes:



Full-time employees


Career centers




Users of Online Career Services

Gathering Insights from Employers

We engaged a diverse selection of 100 corporate partners for their views. In the findings, 68% of respondents reported that sourcing talent is a significant challenge, particularly pronounced in the IT, and Business & Finance sectors.

The Top Skills Employers Seek Are Cognitive Skills
Cognitive skills
(such as Analytical & Creative thinking) 90%
(such as Resilience, Curiosity and lifelong learning) 56%
Technology skills
(such as Programming AI and big data) 54%
Management skills
(such as Leadership and social influence) 40%
Engagement skills
(such as Service orientation and customer service) 38%
(including Environmental stewardship) 35%
Physical abilities
(such as Manual dexterity endurance and precision) 6%

800+ employer partnerships



Employability leads

Industry Partners